Friday, July 3, 2020

Now you know the secret

Several people have asked me about what I use for the backs of selvage blocks. I always say...just whatever I have sitting around that i want to use up. That really doesn't tell you anything....does it?  Well, I finally remembered to take a pic of the, here you are.....the back of a selvage top before quilting.


And, a close up. Really, just a hodgepodge of fabrics in the 'use this up somehow' box.


And here is the front of Selvage Purple Madness


The color for July's challenge was purple. It only took me a day to use up my purple selvages. The first border around the 30 inside blocks are all pointing out....the last border they are all laying horizontal to the side.


The middle 30 blocks have a little Halloween pic in the centers.


I like this tree. Reminds me of when I mow under the cedar trees....there are usually spiders hanging down like that.....or some gigantic web waiting to wrap around my face. 


I love this witch on her broom.


I have lots of purple scraps and bits and pieces and will make more blocks with those, but this is the end of the selvages.

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