Monday, August 31, 2020

Results of August Color Challenge Report

 Well, I'm afraid I don't have much of a report this month. The color was gray....I keep my grays together with my blacks and wasn't going to separate them out. There weren't many anyway.

So, I decided the month would be piecing together as many UFOs as I could. What you are going to see is just the tops I showed during the month. But, at least something got accomplished.

I finished piecing....

Forest Floor. these are machine crazy quilt blocks in greens and browns.

And .... Green Madness II got put together. A LOT of 6 1/2" scrappy blocks.

And....International Sisters was finished. The sister pattern came from Preeti at SewPreeti. It might get a border before quilting if i can find the right fabric. She has a story about how they hold their hands....whether they want to dance or not.

And .... Krista's Flower got pieced. I like hers better than mine...but done is good, right?

Finally....Valentine Hearts was pieced. It is machine embroidery crazy quilt blocks. 

That is all I managed to get finished. But, I am working on a yellow and blue selvage top that I HOPE to get pieced tonight. I need to make 12 more blocks and get them attached. It may or may not happen.

The thing holding me up the last week is that I had cataract surgery on my right eye. It didn't go well and I can't tell you how disappointing and depressing that is. I have spent the last week putting in 3 different drops.....4 times a a pill for pressure 4 times a day. Then one drop was increased to 8 times a day.  I had to make a chart. Every time i turn around I am putting something in that eye. It is looking a bit better today than it did in the least i can see things ... not necessarily clear things....but not fuzzy, foggy things. I go to see the doc again tomorrow.....that is 4 visits in 8 days. And when i don't have an appointment, he calls to check on me. I think we are going steady. haha  Hopefully, it will all work out in the end. I am trying to stay positive.

September's color is pink....and i am ready for some happy pink. At least I can sew a bit....maybe an hour or so at a, something will get accomplished, i'm sure.

Until next time......chin up!!

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