Sunday, March 14, 2021

March is green

 The color for March is green. I've been making 6.5" blocks for a couple weeks. There are selvage blocks, strip blocks, and scrappy crumb blocks. And a few lizard blocks. haha   I had some lizard fabric that I was tired of looking at, so I cut it up.

The top is 78x90. It has not been quilted yet....but should be this month.

Some of the cute lizards.  are lizards 'cute'? 

I made it in rounds....6 crumbs in the middle...then a round of string blocks...then a round of lizard blocks...then more strings...then crumbs ..with 2 rows top and bottom.... then final round is selvages. 

I still have a pile of green blocks to use up .... and I have some green scraps that I am making more blocks. I am getting sick of green, but really want to use up these scraps and not put them back on the shelve. I considered just throwing them away, but couldn't do it. haha

The March projects are coming along nicely. It should be a good month. I have 3 more applique blocks to make for the North Africa animal quilt top. 

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