Saturday, May 27, 2023

Embroidery projects I am working on

 Well, my embroidery machine made some old man strange noises and died a sudden death. 

Hopefully, it will come back from the shop soon. I miss her.

In the meantime, so as not to go into withdrawal, I dug out the backup embroidery machine.

Trouble is, it only can make 4" or 5" blocks.

Oh well, at least it's something.


I made more monkeys. I started these a few years ago....when the good machine was once again in the shop. haha

Now i have 17 of 20 finished.  The other 3 might get done before the machine comes back.


The green and blue fabric blocks are something I had left over from another abandoned project, so I decided to use them up.







And, I opened an email from Sweet Pea and they had crazy quilt designs on sale. You know how I love crazy quilt designs.

So, I am making some 5" blocks....and using up some purple fabric and thread. When the other machine comes back, I will make some 10" blocks to go with these. There will be many more 5" blocks. There are only 12 designs, so there will be duplicates. So far, I have 7 finished.



I also succumbed to George Sicliano's ads on Facebook for his Designing Logs.

These are 5" and 5 x 10"

I am using up some black and white scraps for these....with a bit of red.

It will be a long term between other things.

One 5" block had 45 pieces...haha    

Has anyone tried his designs? They are paper pieced.









So, that is what I've been up to these days.

Oh, and working on quilting Brenda's quilt #5....that is slow going. I have to talk to myself and make myself quilt. haha

The embroidery machine has a stronger pull.

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