Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Robin's K#1

My friend, Robin, works with a missionary to send quilts to poor people who live in and around the landfill in their country....above China.  I decided to quilt up a few and send them to her. A good use for using up my stash. 

I had a pile of batiks that i cut into 5" squares.....and then used a row of purple/gray in alternate rows. The last purple row was what was left. haha


I did wavy lines across the the middle of the blocks and over the seam lines.


Several blocks were pieced....I used up all those batik pieces. haha


Back is a thrift store sheet.


Glide Sepia in the top and So Fine tan in the bobbin. 

This went really quickly and I now have the second one on the frame.

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