Friday, September 1, 2023

Skyward....or ???

 I looked at the pattern and said...that's cool.  Here is the pattern. They call it Skyward.  


I thought that would be a good block for scraps.  I did make the block as designed.  Here is a sample block. Now, just forget that got wiped from my mind.



My goal was to use those little bits of red and yellow fire fabric. I made 36 blocks. Once I looked at the blocks, something happened in my brain.  

I put 4 of them together to make a little fiery star. haha    Then I made 9 more.....then I had 9 huge blocks.  I looked at them for a couple days on the design wall.

Nothing I did calmed them down, so I just said what the hell and ramped them up. 

This is what I got. I swear, I don't know how it happened.  haha     but, i like it.



It is 55 x 65" .  Not a bad couch size. It might get quilted one might wind up on eBay.  But, it is out of my system. hahahaha

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