Sunday, February 21, 2010

You just can't trust the weatherman

If you can't trust the weatherman, who can you trust?  a used car salesman?  your ex-husband?  i think not.

Last Wednesday evening my friend, Brenda, called to invite me to a quilt retreat for the weekend with her and her friends. it sounded lovely. she always comes back with such good ideas and stories of the fun they had and the wonderful food they ate. i really wanted to go....and said i would. but then the weatherman was talking doom and gloom...rain and snow for friday night and a severe snowstorm for sunday. i decided to stay home.

What a mistake. not only did none of that materialize...Saturday was all sunshine and 55 degrees....the best day we have had this winter so far. of course, had i gone, all of that nastiness would have come down on our heads....that's the kind of luck i have. 

So i had my own little retreat at home and pieced a couple of UFOs and quilted one of my quilts. but it is not as much fun just talking to yourself. I know the ladies had a good time and i'll be waiting to hear all about it. i hope i get the chance to be invited again.

I'm never trusting the weatherman again.

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