Monday, March 1, 2010

A bit of stashbusting....thanks to my friends.

I mailed the last package today....10 boxes of fabric scraps went out to people NEEDING scraps. LOL   i advertised that i would stuff a box for the price of postage plus $5 and you could pick whatever color you liked. i had red, brown, blue, yellow, pink, black, orange, white/beige, green and purple. i have gotten the nicest notes from people loving their fabrics. and i am so happy that those boxes are empty...well, a few of them have scraps in them again already.

It takes me about a year to get the boxes stuffed full. they are 20 quart plastic bins and they hold a LOT. i keep saying i will use them all up but i never do. but i have actually used a lot of is just more than i can use myself. so, i am happy to share with whoever would like to have them.

And i have been busy the last couple weeks quilting up some of my tops that were pieced years ago and finishing up piecing tops that were living in plastic tubs for years. my plan this year is to get rid of all that stuff. it's now March and i have made a noticable dent.

There are now 5 quilts in the 'to be bound' pile so perhaps tomorrow i will get to a couple of those. and will try to show you pictures of projects finished. it feels good to finish things.

How is your stashbusting going??? making any progress??  i hope so.


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