Thursday, September 23, 2010

Atomic Bloom

Never mind that i have about 50 projects already started....i started yet another one.

I bought this magazine...Australian Quilters Companion #43....just for this pattern. it's called Atomic Bloom. you cut 64 goes together sort of like a fan....and cut about a gazillion 1 1/2" strips....and a bazillion 1" strips....and only about a million 2 1/2" strips. and there are many triangles and many, many squares. but it is soooo cool. and throw in a bit of applique leaves and circles.

I'll probably still be working on this next year. it calls for polka dot and stripe fabrics. so i called on my quilting buddies for polka dots and they came through with lots and lots of dots. i started the first block.....this will be cut into a square about 16".

Aren't all these dots just yummy?

There are 4 large center squares and floating squares and applique and lots and lots of color.

I'll keep you updated as i go...but it will be slow going.

1 comment:

  1. I bought that magazine because I liked that quilt! good luck with yours!


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