Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Where does the time go?

It seems i have been AWOL for a couple weeks again. i swear it was just a couple days since i talked to you. i just don't know where the time goes.

I've been busy both at the house and at the studio. we have a huge black walnut tree way out in the far pasture. it is really not far from the the crow flies....but as fencing goes...well, it's a little drive around to it. i've been going out there and picking up the black walnuts. i went out the first time and picked 7  5-gallon buckets of nuts. and i mowed the grass so i could find them better. then i went back a few days later and got 8 more 5-gallon buckets. there are still probably 2 or 3 buckets left but not sure i will make the effort to go after them. i have a whole lot to shell and crack the way it is.

And it is work to get those yummy nuts. when we first moved out here, i spent days and days with a hammer and a concrete block. and some aspirin for a sore shoulder. now we have an old fashioned corn sheller. put the walnuts in there...turn the crank, husks fall out the back and nuts fall out the front. very much easier than that hammer. but still a need for a few aspirin.

After that part, we dump them about a bucketful at a time in an old wringer washer out in the barn. agitate them for a few minutes and then pull them out and lay them on the barn floor to dry. it washes them off really nicely.  then spend winter evenings at the kitchen table with the walnut cracker to fill the tupperware containers for the freezer. i used the last of the batch i had so if we want black walnut cookies, bread and's aspirin time. LOL

And we are still wrestling with the huge trunks of the last tree we had taken down. all the wood sheds are full but we still need to get them cut up and off the lawn so it can be mowed. we probably have enough wood for 2 or 3 winters.

And the apples. i picked all the apples off the trees. didn't count them this would have been too discouraging. let's just say there were LOTS. canned lots of apples for pies...made numerous apple pies...made some apple tarts....and still have a large bowl of apples left. if we still had cows....they would be getting those last apples.

Did a few things on my to-do list. still have to do a bit of caulking and painting before the snow flies. finishing the tile floor in my studio bathroom has been on the to-do list for about 4 years now. it is so sad. i am giving consideration to just pulling up the tiles and painting the floor. it's got to be simpler than cutting those last tiles and putting them down and grouting. after all....if i haven't gotten it finished in 4 years...when will i?

I have been quilting up my UFOs...i only have 5 or 6 left in my closet. and i am starting on them next week. i have given the customers notice....come back in March. till is ME time once again. i find i just have to do it that way....i get too guilty to do mine when customer quilts are here waiting.

I'm still working on busting my fabric stash....and thread stash. you know...thread goes bad after a few years. if you have a spool that is breaking a may just be old. you could try putting it in the freezer overnight....if that doesn't might just need to toss it. another thread tidbit i figured out the other day. i was embroidering some small designs....6 of them....the first one looked much different in color than the others. i finally figured out that the thread must have faded. my thread sits out in the open...hanging on a wall. but not in direct sunlight. but i am guessing just light in general fades it out. so, along with no buying of's no buying of thread either until this place gets under control.

I filled my truck up twice and took it all to the thrift stores. cleaning out the studio....stuff from craft sales that didn't sell. .... older fabric....beads....yarn.....patterns....books. sheesh i'm a packrat. i don't want you to see me on Hoarders. LOL

OK, let me go get some photos and show you a couple quilts that were done lately.

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