Thursday, October 28, 2010

New QZ toys

Last night about 6pm....late for our UPS driver...i had kind of given up on him for the day....but he  brought  my newest package from the wonderful Quiltazoid people, Linda and Adam.

I got 2 new continuous templates....

Simply Ornate.....isn't that an can you be simple and ornate at the same time...aren't those opposites? LOL is beautiful. i am using it on my sister's quilt today.

And Adam made me baby clamshells...just 2" wide. aren't they cute? i think they will be great for background fill for larger blocks.

I also got 6 new individual templates. Since i am doing donation quilts a lot these days i think i will try each one out on its own quilt top and see how many designs i can make with each template. should prove interesting.

Here is #6  Crosses

#8 Snowflakes

#18 Regal

#10 Ovals

and doesn't have a name. there are 4 designs for 12" blocks.

and the pinched square spiral. i really like square spirals so can hardly wait to try out this one, too.

And that is my loot for today. my dh says i now officially have more toys than he does....i say no way. his barn is larger than my studio. LOL

I am off to do a quilt with the simply ornate continuous template and will show you when it is finished.

Quitazoid Rocks!!

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