Thursday, October 28, 2010

Quilt with Simply Ornate Template from QZ

Well, it is 4 hours later and i am done with my sister's French Braid quilt. actually, count a half hour break in there, too. so it went pretty quickly. i loaded the quilt sideways and took 3 passes...centering them on the middle of the rows as best i could.

That doesn't really show any quilting .... here's a closeup so you can see it better.

and the back shows it better still. i used gray thread and it shows better in real life. hahahaha

This pattern flows well and quilts up beautifully. i like it a lot.

My sister mainly hangs her quilts on her walls so i assume this one is headed for the beast. i will take it to her on Tuesday when i go to visit and help remove even more wallpaper from the beast.

You might want to check out Adam and Linda at   they are awesome.

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