Saturday, October 30, 2010

North Pole Village I

I need a 12 step program...for quilters and/or embroiderers.  i have dozens of UFOs already...but does that deter me? oh no...let's start another. LOL 

Along with using up my old stash of fabric i have decided i need to use up my old stash of hundreds of spools of embroidery thread and use those embroidery designs that i keep buying. why are they so cute? i am weak. sigghhh!!  

Anyway, i started the North Pole Village I.....i say 1 because i believe there might be a 2 and possibly a 3. i have about 30 designs. check out   her stuff is soooo cute... sign up for her newsletter...she has awesome sales quite frequently. sales like buy 1 set ($20) and get 2 sets free; buy 2 sets and get 8 sets free. crazy, i know...that's why i have a couple hundred sets of her designs.  and once you are a regular customer you get free designs...can't beat that.  i have all the north pole applique village sets...3 so decided to get busy and put a few million more stitches on the embroidery machine.

So far i have made 5 blocks in the last 2 days. i just let them stitch while i am quilting. i am good at multi-tasking. LOL

Here is the Pie Shop

And the Elf School

Someone's house in the Village

The Sweet Shop

And the Toy favorite so far. i just had to put Winnie the Pooh on the door.

I got 3 of them done today so perhaps i can do 3 more tomorrow.  who cares about those other 40 UFOs.....if i live long enough....they'll all get done.....some day. hahahahahahaha

I have a lot of Anita Goodesign embroidery CDs. i belonged to their club for 2 years and got 2 CDs every month. and both my sister and I spend a little money at the   online. they have some really cute stuff, too.

Do you have an embroidery machine? whose designs do you like best?


  1. Hey, Shirley, remember me...Barbara Loskoski from 44th Street, Fairmont City. Your quilting is beautiful. Saw your sister on FB and asked about you. So happy all is well. Visit the 'I'm From Fairmont City' facebook and see what's happening!

  2. These quilts are so cute! Thanks for posting that website link with more designs. I'll have to go there and look around for something cute.


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