Thursday, October 14, 2010

October at the Butterfly House

While i was visiting my sister and my niece this weekend we went to the Butterfly House. we had never been there and it was amazing. October at the Butterfly House was Owl butterflies and orchids. there were orchids in the trees everywhere and Owl butterflies were in abundance.

There is a huge butterfly at the entrance and of course it was a Kodak moment....LOL  Jen always takes silly pictures. she was dressed for the Octoberfest...which was our next adventure....don't you love those combat boots. hahahaha  kids

Here are the owls and the orchids. the owl butterflies are pretty large...larger than those found in your backyard.

Here is what they look like when they open their wings....beautiful vivid blue. i finally caught one sitting still long enough for a pic.

There were lots of different colored orchids everywhere.

They like bananas...there were trays of them hanging around.

You had to watch where you walked...they landed on the ground, too.

There were black and white butterflies....and black and red butterflies and lots of other colors. the problem was catching one sitting so you could take a pic.

They have a great waterfall...and as you can is warm and humid inside.

The owl butterflies like to congregate on the rock wall at the back of the waterfall...i wonder why. picture sexually explicit....LOL    we caught 2 butterflies mating. we watched a movie we knew what they were doing. LOL

All that butterfly action makes you tired so you have to stop and rest for a bit.

And before we left we checked out the window with all the chrysallis hanging. i assume they take them off the trees and keep them in the window so folks can see the butterflies emerging. there were a couple in there that were in the process of coming out. Reminds me of bats hanging out in the caves.

We had a fun time and might have to check them out again some day. there was one little boy...about 4...that wasn't having such a good time. he was freaking out from the butterflies streaking around in front of him and around him. his dad was trying to console him and his mom just walked on ahead and pretended she didn't know him....he will probably be scarred for life and dream of killer butterflies. hahahahaha   poor little kid.

So, if you ever visit St. Louis check out the butterfly house and check out the action.

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