Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Stained Glass Angel top finished

i finally have the top of my stained glass angel finished. i thought i would go blind sewing down those black bias strips with invisible thread. (if is is 'invisible' ..... how come you can see it?)....just wondering. LOL

it may be a couple weeks before i get to quilt it though. i have one of my own on the frame now and then 3 more customers to get done before i can do one for me again. but i'll get there.

here she is.

and a closeup

After seeing all the choices of the other ladies i think i want to make another one and change a few things. it was rather fun. one that i saw had a lace overlay on the background piece...it was quite pretty. and some done in Christmas fabrics were awesome. everyone's was different and beautiful and all had a slightly different technique of doing things.

It's a lot of fun at show and tell.

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