Sunday, October 24, 2010

Progress being made.

I have been working hard...outside at the farm and in the studio. and progress is being made. i finally, finally got all the tree branches and bark picked up and burned from the last tree that we had taken down. loaded, unloaded and stacked 2 truck loads yesterday. i am done with wood till next year. jim still has to cut up some huge trunks to get split...and he is working on them today...but my part is done. i am glad to see the end of that. we have been working on those 3 trees for several months.

In the studio i have made 5 or 6 row quilts. they go rather quickly and use up the stash. i finished my stained glass angel and got it quilted. and i only have 2 more blocks to do on the tokyo subway map quilt. i think progress would go much faster if i just worked on one thing at a time but it is not in my nature to do that. LOL  i have one of the Atomic Bloom blocks redone. i finally figured out what mistake i had made and had to take all 4 blocks apart again and redo them. i am going to put something else over that white circle with the pink dots. it doesn't have enough contrast. note to self....don't use white background fabrics for dots. LOL this quilt has lots and lots of small pieces but i am going to like it. i couldn't resist the smiley face in one circle.

And i have one of my quilts on the frame and should have it done today or tomorrow. it is a column quilt versus a row quilt. applique flowery vines and rectangles..kind of like a coin quilt. it is a UFO from a couple years back.

And my sister decided she needs to get all her designs embroidered up that she has been buying online. i get to do the big ones since her machine only does 4" designs. this week we are working on vintage signs. they are SOOO cute. so far i have done...

maple syrup..this one is 10"x6" and took 3.5 hours to

root beer

and eggs

Although in the pictures the background fabrics look different...they are all unbleached muslin. my camera skills are lacking.

I got an email yesterday that my latest Quiltazoid order will be here Tuesday.... woohoo!! ...another reason to get that quilt off the frame. play time will be here and i want to be ready. i still need to play with the Gingko template that i got from Circle Lord. it will work on my QZ and i need to play with it, also.

A friend of mine took me up on my offer to let her quilt on my longarm. she has come over two afternoons so far and quilted up pillow tops. she is so excited. she did say she thought it would be easier. i keep telling her she just needs practice. she hasn't hurt herself yet so that is good and she has two cute little pillowtops to show for her work so far.

Are you making progress on your projects? just a thought....Christmas will be here very shortly....just saying. LOL

Now...go quilt.

1 comment:

  1. I love the Tokyo subway quilt, I may have to get that pattern and try it! hahaha I really don't know how you squeeze all this into one day? I keep saying that I need another 24 hours to add to every day!


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