Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What 1600 two inch blocks look like

i finally finished piecing the Tokyo Subway Map quilt top. when the directions said to cut 1600 two inch squares....i almost didn't do it. when you think of that many blocks your brain goes berserk and says 'no way'...'are you crazy'....well, i am a bit crazy so i didn't listen to my brain and just started cutting squares. i used my dyed fabrics for the subway lines. but when you break it down to 25 blocks it seems much more do-able. and they actually went quicker than i thought they would. once i got half way i was anxious to finish.

And i found some map fabric for the border. not a map of Tokyo or Japan but it will have to do.

here is a closer view of the border map fabric

and the lady who gave the pattern also gave us the words in Japanese to say "tokyo subway map".  how cool is that. she is going to give us the pattern to make the letters next month. i may have to try them myself though...i am anxious to get it done.

I think this was a very interesting quilt and i'm glad i got it pieced. i already know how i am going to quilt it. and i think i am going to piece the back with fabrics left over from the front, along with the japanese letters. i had fun with this one. if you want to make one go visit elizabeth's blog at

Be sure and send me a picture, too, if you make one.


  1. Fabulous !! And they think the catacombs under the Collesseum are scary !



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