Thursday, October 7, 2010

Quiltazoid play piece

Today i got out some plain fabric and played with the Quiltazoid. i haven't done it in a while and wanted to see what i could make.

Here is the whole piece. it's about 36x52...the back is the same as the binding. and the 'batting' is a microfleece blanket i found at a thrift store for 99 cents. it will be a donation quilt.

And here are the 'blocks'.
#1 dresden plate....of course, the frame in wonky. lesson where you start and make the frame straight. ....  or not. hahahahah

#2  i was trying to stitch as i stepped and i didn't hold the stylus in place every time so i got a bit wonky here, too.   siiggghh!

#3  i think this one is my favorite but it kind of got cut off when i straightened up the side of the quilt before binding.

#4  i like the frame around this one. i went back to put in the middle after i had moved to another block. lesson can't go back and hit the middle again...even if it is marked.

#5  simple curved crosshatching

#6  this is kind of neat, too. kind of like ribbons

#7  stars and sun and moon and i think a lightning bolt. LOL

#8 wavy lines crossed over each other

#9  i like the frame around this one, too.  it looks like octupus holding hands. LOL

#10  just messing with circles

#11 and a feathered wreath

My favorite is #3...which is your favorite?

i ordered more toys from Quiltazoid yesterday....more individual templates...crosses; snowflakes; ovals; regal; pinched square spiral; and #16..which doesn't have a name but lookes like leaves...sort of.   and got the simply ornate continuous templates and a 2" clamshell. they should be here in 2 or 3 i see another play day in my future. woohoo!!

tomorrow i am going to try a row quilt pieced and quilted on the longarm. Deb Levy showed us how to do this some time ago in a video on MQR. i better go do some things i learned.

And i am working on a stained glass angel from quilt class....i hope to show that to you in a few days. it's my first try at stained glass quilting.

OK...back to work.

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