Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Yet another Stellar Constellation

Here is one more of the quilt that we did in class last year. i just got this one so it got a slightly different treatment than the others did.

If you look at the first border....the pieces look like bandaids to me. LOL   for some reason she did not finish 4 of them in the corners. but i went ahead and quilted a 'ghost' section in those to make them all the same. otherwise it was throwing off my quilting mojo.

i hope she likes it. this is the second quilt i have done for this lady but have never met her. i speak with her on the phone. she sends the quilt to me through someone else and sends the check to me through someone else, also. strange...but for me.

Here are a few closeups

and the back

That's it for now. i'll try to do better....really.   gotta go play for a while.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What great quilting! I'm glad I came to check it out. Nice job!

    Tammie in NJ


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