Saturday, November 27, 2010

For Christine D....

hi Christine

if you wonder....others might, here are the answers to your questions.

a pocket door is a door that 'lives' in a space in the wall. you pull it out to close it. the wall is like a double wall that houses the door. it is very cool and i've always loved them.  it is the door between the living room and the room i will use for my longarm. and there are french doors in the longarm room that open out to the front porch so i can close the pocket door and quilting customers can enter the studio and not the house.

and the 'metal ladder' is actually a television antennae. apparantly reception is town is bad. my sister only gets the local channels at her place a few blocks away. but i could hook up to cable or satellite but i'm not much on tv so i won't worry about it.

i'm getting excited to work on the house so hopefully the whole deal with be done shortly.

thanks for commenting on my blog.


  1. I'm looking forward to following your progress on the new adventure in your life Shirley. I love following the beast.

  2. Hi Shirley, Thank you for the finer details. Now I know that I also own two "pocket" doors, one to the laundry and one to the ensuite bathroom!
    It is all very exciting. When you and your Sis are tired of working at her house, you both can move onto yours and vice versa. Nothing like a change of scenery, to distract you from hard work.
    Please keep us posted. Cheers, Christine D


Thank you for taking time to comment....i like hearing from you.