Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Life is hectic

Oops..just when i thought i was home and back in my routine....i'm leaving town again.

I am trying to purchase a house in Illinois and having issues with lenders there while i live in Missouri.

So, on the advice of a real estate lady i am traveling to Illinois this morning to have a chat with a small town bank in town there. i guess i should have started out with the small town banks....city people have too many issues. LOL

So, wish me luck on finding a few dollars and putting this part of the adventure behind me and getting on with the fun part....tearing down paneling and pulling up carpet pads. LOL

I shall report on progress when i get back in a couple days.

In the meantime...don't have too much fun without me.


  1. Sending you lots of luck Shirley.

  2. Good luck with getting your venture off the ground Shirley!


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