Saturday, December 4, 2010

Plan B worked!

But just in case it didn't...i had plan C in place.

What i am speaking of is finding money for my house in Illinois. i found the house i wanted the first day i went out to look...after just a few houses. how did that happen?  i'm not complaining mind you.

But then the fun part was finding a loan for 11K. had i waited another year i could have just paid my sister did....but who knew i would find a place i liked so soon.

$11,000 doesn't sound like a LOT of money...unless you don't have that much. i tried the credit union that i used to belong to....after 12 days of faxing back and forth and talking back and forth and cussing (just my part...LOL)...they finally told me no....that was too little an amount for a conventional mortgage loan. is that stupid or what? too many damn rules.

And i couldn't get a signature loan because i wanted the house in my name only and my name is on our current that put my loan 'ratio' too high. try explaining to a 'city' loan officer that your husband pays the mortgage and even though your name is on the don't contribute any money to the payment. no go.

So, plan B was to go to the little bank in the little town where i found the little house. i explained my situation to her and she said that she had the authority to loan that amount and that she would.....but, she needed 4 more board members to agree with her and sign off on it. and she called me 2 days later......2 DAYS.....not 12 days.....and told me it was a done deal. how cool is that.

But i did have plan C in place...just in small town banker here in the woods.

So, after a couple weeks of nail biting and cussing city bankers i now have financing in place and am just waiting for a closing date.

Then the fun will begin....probably in the spring.

The list is starting...
     .... new windows
    .... new doors wiring plumbing
.    .... tear out all that ugly paneling
    ....tear out the carpet pads from the carpet....just pad
   ....tear a couple layers of vinyl off kitchen floor
    .... strip ugly paint off all woodwork

So, i guess now i better get back in my studio and do some quilting.....i have mortgage payments to make. LOL

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shirley,
    Great news! I had been sweating it out for you. Guess you will be ramping up the paying quilt jobs instead of playing now? Cheers, Christine D


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