Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Trying to keep up

Alhough my husband and i don't really 'celebrate' Christmas....no tree, decorating or craziness going on here.....it seems that december is whizzing by. i have a contest quilt on my frame that needs to be finished TODAY. pictures are due in soon.

And yesterday i agreed to quilt 2 tops before Christmas for a dear friend. ... but the tops aren't quite done yet....hurry Mary. LOL

And i have 2 customer quilts that i said would be done by the end of the year....might happen...might not.

And i have a house closing coming up in a week or so....which will require me to be gone from home for 2 days.  Yikes!!

And i like to make cookies for Christmas.

And my sister reminded me the other day that i usually make Chex Mix for Christmas and she was looking forward to some of it.  Sis, i made 2 batches last night. hopefully 2 more today.

And i really, really need to cut my hair...i look like something in a scary movie.

So, i better get busy and start my day. how is your scheduling coming along? stay sane.

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