Thursday, December 9, 2010

2 steps forward; 1 step back

In the last post i had a bit of a list to accomplish for December. some of it got accomplished since then.
..the contest quilt is quilted and bound...just need to send in pictures...that is on today's list.
..2 christmas tops not started yet....but i 'thought' about them. in fact, i put my tokyo subway map quilt on the frame yesterdy and got a lot of it stabilized. that is on today's list, finish stabilizing that so i can take it off the frame for other things. friends tops will be here tomorrow so i can start on those and try to finish for christmas.
..2 batches of chex mix have been made....really need 2 more batches...need more hours in my day.
..i cut my hair...a hurry up job...just don't look too closely at the back. LOL

Now, to add to all of that aunt sophie died yesterday. so i need to travel to illinois on sunday for a funeral on monday. i really didn't count on not having those 2 days here. i guess i need to learn to add extra days into my schedule. aunt sophie led a full and good life. she was a good woman and liked helping people. she had been bed bound for several months and i believe she was just tired and ready to go to heaven. when she got sick last year she had just learned that her youngest granddaughter was pregnant...after trying for years. her first thought was that she live to see that baby born. she did....and almost a year more. so, i'm sad that she is gone and i'll miss her lots but i'll bet she is crocheting cloud covers in heaven and making quilts up there and using clouds for batting.

It's only 8am but i need to head over to my studio and get started on my day.

Stay warm

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