Monday, November 15, 2010

North Pole Village III

We are closing in on the end of the North Pole Village (bet you're glad)...we're on set 3. this one only has 10 blocks. and they are not consistent as the other 2 sets were. some have no snow....some have applique snow. i don't like that. i think they should have stayed with the stitched snow as in set 1 and set 2. but, no one asked me my opionion before they i guess i'll have to live with it.

This first one i did was the bank...cute, cute. but, no snow...bummer. i kind of got my window fabric crooked. i thought it would look like barred windows.

The next one was the fire station. i like that one. applique snow

Then we have the news stand...i like this one, too. wouldn't have thought of it. it' so 'New York'. hahahaha  who knew they had news stands at the north pole.

Another unexpected block....a candy house. remember making those gingerbread houses as a kid and covering it with candy. i really like the lollipops at the ends...using the variegated thread just made them for me. reminds me of Hansel and Gretal. LOL

And the last one i did this morning was the tea house. i'm on the fence whether i like it or not. it's kind of like...we have the hot cocoa we need tea?  but, maybe so. this time stitched snow.

OK..we're halfway through set 3. i'll have more in a couple days. i'm playing with the Quiltazoid today on the longarm and i have class this afternoon. and i'll probably be going to my sister's again in a day or two.

But as Arnold would say....I'll be back.   (say that in a very deep, gruff voice). LOL

1 comment:

  1. These are all adorable! You do such a good job! You are sooo creative!


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