Sunday, November 14, 2010

Results of opening day of hunting season

Why can't deer season be in warmer weather. although the thermometer said was WINDY. and 12 foot off the ground in wind is really cold. i wore least they weren't shorts...haha....but my legs weren't cold. i needed a hat to cover my ears and a thicker jacket. it was WINDY.  i guess i should be glad it wasn't 30 degrees.

Now you are wondering .... did i get a deer....take a look at you see it???

Look you see it now?


well, that would be because there is NOTHING TO SEE.
  yep, no deer seen
  no squirrels seen
  no nothing seen...wait..i did see a flock of birds. LOL

It was pitiful. i didn't hear any shots in the woods....didn't see anything to shoot AT...and hubby came home from his stand in the woods half frozen and said he didn't see anything either nor did he hear any shots.

There is an entry into the state woods pretty close to our property and usually you see and hear trucks with hunters and campers going in there a couple days prior to set up. there was nothing this year. dh said he saw one vehicle go by. i wonder if economic conditions kept hunters away or no one was interested in our area this year.....unheard of. i didn't even hear shots from our neighbors...who ALWAYS hunt.

Wonder if we'll have deer in the freezer this year.


  1. The Arkansas woods weren't very friendly either. I sat in my stand from 6 am until 2 pm and didn't even see the flock of birds! I hope to go next weekend and maybe it will be better.


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