Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas dinner

Jim is all about the food. when he woke up his first words's Christmas...have you started cooking yet? LOL  earlier in the week, when i asked what he wanted for Christmas his reply was 'food is always good'.

So, i obliged him and 'made' him a Honey Baked Ham. actually i guess 'made' is stretching it since i only had to pop it in the oven for a bit. and yes, it went in the oven already half gone. we had gotten it the week before and snacked on it for a couple days before i stuck it in the freezer to save for Christmas dinner. we only buy these at Christmas since the price is really high....but they are oh so delicious.

We had one lonely sweet potato so i threw that in there, too. i found a recipe in an old cookbook that puts apple butter and orange peel on the top with a bit of cinnamon sprinkled was delicious.

As far as i am concerned you cannot have ham without potato salad and baked we had that as well.

And a few deviled eggs because Jim likes them.

As far as Jim is concerned no meal is complete without rolls...and butter. i can take them or leave them. but since it was Jim's meal....we took them.

I was a bit slow in taking pictures...Jim had already filled his plate to maximum overload. he said i could take a picture of him and his plate but i told him that he would scare people. LOL

Later that afternoon i baked an apple pie also.

Jim ate at noon and then went to his recliner for a rest and some tv time and came back at 5 and did it all over again. it was a good day for him.

This is the first year in i don't know how long that i didn't make cookies. usually there are 3 or 4 different kinds. i kept thinking about it but somehow never go around to actually making them. oh, well, that is just one less thing that i ate...a few thousand calories saved.

So we will be eating the leftovers for a day or so. the rest of the ham will be put into the freezer in smaller packages for another meal and the hambone will make its way into a pot of beans in the future. i guess the price of the ham isn't that much when you consider how many meals that you get from it.

My son and DIL and her mother went out for Chinese food for Christmas dinner. then the next day they had Mexican food at her dad's house. no cooking for girl.

What did you have for your Christmas dinner?  i'll bet it was delicious.


  1. Your dinner looks yummy Shirley. We had tukey, dressing, green bean casserole,deviled eggs, coconut pie, butter pecan cake and rolls. We will be eating it for several days.

  2. Shirley - I stitched that same trilogy back in the 80's when the patterns were published. I actually went on to work for that company doing model stitching! I absolutely loved that design!Have fun stitching it.


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