Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

Here it is....Christmas Eve. i woke up to about 3 inches of snow and it is still coming down. went out to throw some wood in the furnace after sweeping off the snow to get there. the flakes were coming down and covered the path almost as soon as i swept it off. when it quits later i will go out and sweep the snow off the deck. this is wet, heavy snow and i don't want to lose the deck.

I am staying at the house for a few days to conserve propane usage at the studio. yesterday i finished putting on the last border on the blue selvage quilt and it is now percolating in the 'to be quilted' pile. now i am putting together 56 9"  9 patch blocks of browns, greens and a few yellows. it is half done so it will be together today. i forgot to bring over some fabric for the borders so i will only get the middle done.

The next project will either be working on some crazy quilt blocks or another project i brought over from the studio. there is a push this year to get all these partially finished projects at least pieced together and ready to quilt.

Hope your holidays are wonderful...full of fun and love. i'll be popping a ham in the oven tomorrow that will carry us over for 2 or 3 days...along with potato salad, beans and warm rolls. we'll be laying around like slugs. LOL

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my readers.
See you soon


  1. Merry White Christmas and Happy New Year Shirley.

  2. Merry Christmas to you and yours Shirley....Guess we will all be feeling a bit sluggish tomorrow too!

    Kay in Scotland

  3. Merry Christmas to you, too. And much fun and joy coming your way in 2011, Shirley.


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