Sunday, December 19, 2010

I wish i had my camera at the house yesterday

Just yesterday i learned a very valuable lesson. i believe all of us can benefit from it.

DO NOT attempt to cook while talking. perhaps talking to yourself might be ok.

My husband wanted brownies....with nuts. i had a box of brownie mix (which is how they get made around here), so while he was eating a sandwich i was at the table, mixing brownies and chatting with him. the directions call for water, oil, eggs and the mix. i turn on the oven, get the bowl, put in the water and oil and mix and stir it all up, throw in some chopped nuts, and put it in the pan and then into the oven.....the instructions say for an 8" pan to bake for 52-56 minutes. seemed like a long time....but i usually use a 13x9 pan.

Set the timer, go sit in my recliner to read for a bit. the house is smelling heavenly. about 6 more minutes left on the timer....think i'll just go peek at them and see how they are doing. get the oven the oven door.....OMG.....WTH is THAT? there is a mud pit in the pan with oil BUBBLING on the top. it looked like some science experiment. as soon as i saw it.....i realized....i forgot the EGGS. what an ungodly mess.

I set the whole mess on the top of the stove to cool some. taking a fork i dig into still smells great but it is really, really oily and greasy. it seemed to be stuck to the sides of the pan pretty good. so i thought...let it sit for a while....then i'll dig it all out and throw it away. when i came back about 30 minutes was stuck to the pan like concrete...i mean STUCK. super glue couldn't have done a better job. even the "brownie" that was on the fork was stuck....i could not get it off.

I put dish detergent and hot water in the pan and let it sit overnight. this morning i got a bit more of it off....there is STILL some stuck to the fork and most of it still stuck in the pan. i am thinking i will have to throw away the glass pan and the fork.

My goodness...baking is my did i do this? do i now have Altzeimers? sheesh!! i'm probably going to lose a glass baking pan and a fork.

So....remember....always, always remember to put the eggs in the brownies. i'm going to try it again this morning....with eggs. LOL

Do you have any clue as to what to use to get this mess out of my pan?

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how to get it out Shirley but I will try real hard not to forget the eggs in brownies the next time I make them!


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