Saturday, December 18, 2010

Back in the studio again

I am finally back in the studio after about a week. we had an ice storm last saturday night that put a coating on everything. our house is on a hill and the driveway is treacherous when that happens. so we stayed in the house and fed the woodstove. 

We did consider that we might want to buy some skis to get down the hill when bad weather hits...but since we don't ski...we would probably just break something. don't have a sled. so we just stay in till it all goes away.

But during my forced hibernation i did manage to finish the selvage neutrals top and it is ready for quilting. i started with a plastic grocery bag of selvages and was surprised that i still had half of them left when i finished this top. it is truly amazing how few selvages make a quilt top. this one is about 82" square. i used muslin for a foundation for the block squares and the selvage border.

And then we got out yesterday to go to town and drop my truck off for repairs and drive about an hour away to Washington for some Christmas shopping. as my gift this year i chose that we go to washington and shop at thrift stores and Michaels and eat at our favorite place there...Miller's Grill.

The Goodwill in Washington was a little disappointing because we didn't find the recliner that we were looking for. but i did score 4 more men's shirts to be cut up for quilts. i am collecting stripes and plaids/checks.

And i found 2 for me and one for Jim.

And these adorable little picture frames. my plan is to do a cross stitch picture for each month to put in the frame. the space is 4"x6"..then put them on the stand in my entryway in the studio each month.

Then we went to Michael's craft store. i have a triptych of Amish pictures that i want to cross stitch. so i found some Aida cloth and all but 4 of the colors of embroidery floss that i need. i started it last night. i worked on it for 4 hours. i think my cross stitch time will be 9pm each night that i can...and perhaps in about 14 years i'll be done with the pictures. LOL

And topped off the day with a trip to Miller's Grill for their fabulous bbq baby back ribs and a baked potato. oh, yum!!  when we used to live in washington we would go there about once a month. now we have to drive an hour to enjoy it. but sometimes you just gotta go there.

While we were gone we had to leave Suzy in the house since it was only about 20 degrees outside and too cold for her to stay outside all day. Here is what she looked like when we left....and when we got back. tough life for that dog. LOL  she has her own couch, her own quilt, her own pillows, and she is laying right in front of the vent from the woodstove. tough life.

Now i have to go do some quilting and try and finish up my Tokyo Subway Map quilt that has been on the frame forever it seems like. and do some more baltimore embroidery blocks for my sister.

Tuesday i go for the closing on my rehab house in Illinois. so say a little prayer to the weather gods for me that we don't get more ice....i appreciate it.

Merry Christmas


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