Tuesday, December 14, 2010

UFOs committed for 2011 UFO Challenge with Judy Laquidera

OK...i am committed.        quit laughing...you know what i mean.

I quilted up a LOT of my tops in 2010 and busted hundreds of yards of fabric from my stash. but i need to do it all over again....even more.

So, i am committed to the 2011 UFO Challenge with Judy L. at http://www.patchworktimes.blogspot.com/    She gets so much accomplished in a day that she is an inspiration. sometimes it seems to me that i do a lot, too...but sometimes i feel like a slug compared to Judy.

The idea is to pull out 12 UFOs and number them 1 through 12. at the beginning of each month Judy will pull a number out of her hat...LOL....it may be 4...it may be 9...whatever. whatever number she pulls...that is the numbered quilt that you will finish for the month. i hope she doesn't pull 7 first....i am not liking that top any more....and it is KING size.

I have 7 tops just needing quilting and 5 more projects that are in various stages of stitching. here is my list for the challenge.

1. Blue embroidered blocks. these were embroidered by machine a few years ago and just never got quilted. it is probably queen size. i'm not liking it too much anymore and after quilting it will be a donation.

2. Black and red selvage top...just finished putting together a few days ago. it is a new top but i will quilt spirals on it...i think. should be fun. pick #2 Judy. hahahaha

3.  Carpenter's Star yellow and blue. i bought this top with yellow backing from a lady on MQR a few years back. i love it...just never got it quilted. in 2011 it will be done. thanks, Sharon.

4.  Class row quilt..Our Town. i like this one, too. but after i quilted about 5 of these for other ladies i lost interest to do my own. it's time has come.

5.  In Memory of Sarah..another class quilt from a couple years ago. i like this one, too but, also, quilted a bunch of them and never did my own. is that like the cobbler's kids have holes in their shoes?  LOL

6.  Metamorphosis....this is one i designed. the idea was for the blocks to change across the rows and down along the quilt. the end block is nothing like the first block. it has been percolating for quite some time so it is time to quilt it up and find it a home.

7.  King size pink embroidered blocks. this is at least 5 or 6 years old. i guess i was into embroidery then. LOL  it also has pillowcases. i really don't like it anymore either. funny how our tastes change. my intention was to put it on our bed but that is not going to happen. someone else is going to have to love it.

8.  4 patch posie. i like this a lot and don't know why it never got finished. it deserves better.

9.  North Pole Village.  this was sooo much fun to embroider on my machine...they are applique. it will be fun to get these together.

10. String Blocks. i have a couple hundred of these done...just have to put them together. plus i have enough strings to make about a thousand more. (let's not go there right now...ok?) i am a mess.

11. Take 5 top only needs borders and quilting. it's been hanging in the quilting closet for about 9 months now. i think it needs to be born.

12.  Another Take 5....of yellow, green and purple. but it is only cut out. but they really don't take long to stitch up so it will be good month for this one.

Now, please God....let me stay on target and finish these up.  after all...i am committed. LOL

After reading all my rambling...doesn't it make you want to jump on over to Judy's blog and sign up, too. it will be so much fun to work together during the year. i KNOW you have at least 12 UFOs hanging around somewhere... look in your closet...on that shelf...you know where they are. drag them out...number them...and play along. your UFOs don't have to be quilts...they could be table runners...pillows...whatever project you have that is not finished.

As your mother would say....it'll be good for you.



  1. Shirley,
    How great that you have pictures of each item on your list. I really like #2, the selvedge quilt. It is hard to stay motivated on the projects we fall out of love with. I have some of those on my list too.

  2. This is going to be fun, work, sweat, fun, hair pulling, but like you, I'm committed.

    Love your ufos,

  3. Wow! That is a wonderful list. I love the pictures. I just joined the challenge and am looking forward to following everyones progress over the year!

  4. I like the pictures too, and look forward to your descriptions of your accomplishments from month to month!


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