Monday, December 27, 2010

Selvage sunflowers in green

I believe i mentioned that i had an idea the other day to use my green selvages. well, i COULDN'T WAIT. i HAD to try it and see how it looked. i cut about 80 triangles with my AccuQuilt cutter. and cut 10" muslin blocks. put the triangles in the middle of the muslin and stitched green selvages around the edges.

My first thought was just some green fabric for the middle and i was looking to see what i had enough of. then i spied the sunflower fabric. perfect, i thought. i have LOTS of sunflower fabric...don't ask me why. it's been here forever.

So i cut up a medium print for the triangles and tried a block. i put the triangle parallel to a corner and stitched the selvages around and around the triangle...and got this.

It was ok but didn't excite me.

So i tried another block. this time i set the triangle into the middle without lining it up with anything. while adding the selvages i did all one side first and then moved to the other side at a time. and got this...

I like that much better. so now i only have to do 78 more. LOL  but they go really fast.

I think these 2 sunflower fabrics will be the borders.

And if i do will probably be one of these.

I believe these fabrics are pretty old. they feel rather stiff and not soft like today's fabrics are. but most of it will be out of the stash once this quilt is done. i hope whoever gets it likes sunflowers.

1 comment:

  1. Shirley, How is the new house going? I hope you will post some shots of your progress with it. Does you sister still have her place? I haven't seen anything new on the "beast", hope all is well.


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