Monday, December 27, 2010

Tangled Gourd

I've been messing with this gourd lately. i had it sitting at the house for a week or so. finally got it cleaned  up. then it sat another week or so before i finally painted it. i am soooo slow.

But over the last several nights i have done a little with it. i haven't tangled in a while and am a bit rusty. i can't seem to do it in a large area. it always seems to turn out small.

Here is the whole thing.

And some close ups.

I grew these in my garden some years ago. i have a whole feed bag full of them in the barn. so there are more in my future.

Here are the next volunteers.

 Wonder how many weeks it will take these to get cleaned and painted?


  1. How do you do this? Paint them white first and then use a pen on them?

  2. Shirley, I started tangling on a gourd, but I didn't paint it first. I like yours much better, I guess I'll be getting out the paint and starting over. It looks great.

  3. That is sooo cool how you do that! You are so talented!! No wonder we are related hehehe


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