Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Snowman Train is getting longer

I have done more Snowman Train blocks and they were tacked on my design wall for a couple weeks. i had to take them down yesterday to make room and i remembered i had not shown them to you....and they are too stinkin cute not to share.

First we have the engine....can't have a train without an engine...i just love his engineer's hat

And a car full of stars to fill the night sky..

And no fashionable snowman would be caught dead without his tophat.

Christmas isn't Christmas without a tree....all kinds of trees. and these little peppermint wheels just make me want peppermints.

And then we have brooms...i was rather stymied with the brooms...i relate brooms with witches. but i do remember seeing some snowmen holding brooms so i guess that is ok. you can always borrow the broom to sweep the walk.

Do you make your snowmen with brooms? i never did. of course, if i dared to borrow the broom to give to a snowman my mother would have used the broom on me. LOL

More to come

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