Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Train is still movin' on....

These blocks were made in the last couple days. i only have 5 left and hope to get them done by next week. there is a trip to my sis's in the plans if Mother Nature doesn't foil us with the ice and snow that they are talking about.

Here comes the cookie car. i think they put the wrong guy in charge of this car....check out how chubby he is. that would have been me, too, if i had that car. cookies...good...yum.  

And we need lots of presents...looks like the snow lady wrapped herself instead of presents.

Need lots of pretty ornies for those trees, too.

Another of my personal favorites...right up there with cookies....peppermint candy canes.

And who knew snow people could knit....what with not having fingers...LOL    lots of mittens, scarfs and hats

Wonder if there is a caboose...there would have to be..right?  haven't seen one yet. it should have the coal for the snow people's eyes and mouth.

We shall find out next week when all the other 5 blocks are embroidered.

Till then ... stay warm...all this talk of snow is making me cold.


  1. Love the blocks Shirley.....and I'm chubby and not even in charge of the cookies!!!!

  2. The tender-little car right behind engine- is where the coal is. Caboose is last car in the train too far from engine to hold fuel. But anyway, this is so cute. Will you be making a quilt out of all these squares?


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