Sunday, February 6, 2011

The end of the train is now in the station.

The last blocks of the Snowman Train are now finished. i was to go to my sisters last Thursday to help her celebrate her birthday on Friday but snow and ice prevented she doesn't have her train yet. perhaps next weekend i will make it.

There were several cars with ornaments....i guess those trees need lots of ornaments. there are these...

And these...i love this little guy peeking out the top of the car.

And we had some buttons. these snowman didn't use buttons but i guess you could for eyes ... or if they were wearing jackets. this little guy is having lots of fun playing with buttons.

And someone straightened me out on the coal car...that follows the engine. i think i knew that...somewhere in my brain...but didn't remember. thank you for enlightening me. i like his dirty face. LOL

And finally we have the caboose.

I love the wheels...very clever. and that they had so many different cars. each design took 1.5 to 2 hours to stitch out so this was quite the large project. but can't wait to see how my sis puts them all together in a quilt...she is so clever at that.

I have more things to stitch out for her....cats and polar bears....but i think i will do some Japanese blocks for me next...very cool with some background stitching. coming up soon.

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