Sunday, February 6, 2011

I escaped!!

By the way...we did manage to get to town yesterday after all. the hardest part was sliding my truck out of the barn and negotiating the turn and slope of the top of the driveway...sliding out the gate and onto the road...and then the 3 miles down our blacktop road to a better road. whew!!....made it. i was so proud of myself. LOL  and i only slid twice. good thing there was no traffic coming...i was traveling slowly down the middle of the road. coming back IN the driveway and up to the barn was another story...that entailed spinning wheels...backing up and getting another run at it...and finally, finally making it to the barn. i gave my truck a pat and told her she could stay dry in the barn till spring...poor thing.

And today i made it to the i could show you pictures of what i did while i was housebound for a week. please pray that the snow that is to come tonight will miss me. if you love can have my share...ok? but when we went to town i stocked up on chocolate so i can last another week or so.

On Monday afternoon i started with the Playful Puppies. i had emboridered these blocks back in 2008. i cut out all the parts and tried to sell them as a kit on eBay but no one was interested. so they went into a box and now they are a top. it wound up being 54x68".

Here is a closer pic of one of the blocks.

And here is the block that will be incorporated into the back. i finished this top on Tuesday morning.

Tuesday afternoon i searched around that same 'eBay' box and found these tumbler blocks that had some Laurel Burch fabrics in it. same story...cut out...didn't sell...back in the box.

Wednesday morning i finished putting them together. it is 46x74...weird size. of course, i don't even like them now but i will add different size borders to even out the proportions some and it will become a donation.

Wednesday afternoon (you see how this is working...right?) i was nosing around the internet. that was my break time from piecing. and i saw on a blog that i read that someone (i forget now who..sorry) made a small zentangle wallhanging. it was adorable. so i had to try it. she just drew lines on a background fabric and cut out black and white fabrics and filled the holes.'s a bit more complicated than that...but you get the idea. wish i could show you hers but i can't find her from my computer here at the studio. but here is mine. i used a yard of background that i found at the house and fused my pieces onto it.

I am going to put black 'caning' fabric around the they do in a stained glass picture. but put red around the heart. will hang it in my studio, i think.

Thursday night i took a break from piecing and worked a jigsaw puzzle...only 500 pieces so it went quick. i finished it up Friday morning. after all...i needed the table for more piecing.

Friday i dug into the same box....there are still 3 or 4 projects in there...and took out the Take 5 pattern cut out of African fabrics. i suppose in 2008 i thought it looked good. hahahahaha now i think it is hideous. but it was cut out and i pieced it together anyway. it was my biggest project of the week...82x92".

Here is a closer look see... it will be a donation quilt some day when it is quilted.

In that some box....there were 6" hexagons and 3" triangles that i cut out with my AccuQuilt cutter. i played with them for a bit. but got bored...back in the box. then played with them some more...different pattern....nah...back in the box. there was too much 'thinking' with those. they'll probably still be in that box in 2013. LOL

Saturday morning i started on JudyL's violet monochromatic challenge for February. you know there are selvages involved, right? i didn't think i had too much violet/purple selvages but i had enough to do the job. i cut out 9" blocks from a light and dark purple and did my thing with the selvages. i didn't want to use the white part of the selvages. the last 10 blocks i had run out of any selvages without the white so had to double stitch them to fold the white part over. glad there were only 10 of those.

Here is a sneak peek at a light colored one...there are darker ones, too.

I made 48 individual blocks and then put them together in a set of 4. now i will add sashing and a border and see what i come up with. and i didn't even use all the purple selvages...dang it!

I also finished the last blocks on the Snowman Train before the blizzard of sleet and snow started. Check back later to see those.

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