Saturday, February 5, 2011

I just want to cry!!

I was so looking forward to going to town today....have a, grocery store, post office, pharmacy, dollar store, lunch, etc. BUT....

It is freakin snowing AGAIN.  damn it....they had the roads all cleared off nicely finally. we have been stuck in this house for days....this is day 6.  i NEED chocolate. i found a half bag of mini chocolate chips in the freezer last night.....they are gone now. LOL

Big fat flakes are still coming down...we got a couple inches last night. i have quilt class on monday....probably won't get there.  hubby has an appointment to take his truck in on monday to get a new water pump....probably won't get there.  i have a doctor appointment (rescheduled from last week) on tuesday....probably won't get there.

Where is spring? usually i don't mind snow.....i need to get out and at least go across the road to the studio. but the propane tank is low over there and i don't want to use it all up to heat the building.


I just want to cry!

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