Thursday, March 10, 2011

#1 UFO Challenge quilt finished

JudyL at   is so good for me. i joined 2 of her challenges this year. the monochromatic which you make a quilt from the color that she tells you. so far, this has been...january = yellow; february = violet; and, march = brown. so i finished 3 quilts using selvages and fabrics from my stash. yea!!

And the UFO challenge is where she picks a number for each month and we finish our UFO that corresponds with that number. in january i finished the morphing pinwheels; in february i finished the strings blocks quilt; and, now in march i have finished my embroidered blocks quilt.

This one has been marinating in the 'to be quilted' closet for a couple years. it is made from the old fashioned embroidery blocks. hand embroidery takes so one day i wondered if i could 'embroider' them with my sewing machine. so i chose several fancy stitches and followed the lines and this is what i came up with.

This is the block i like uses the tiny star stitch. but i had to don't know if you don't try...right?  probably not something i would do again.

I used my Quiltazoid Baptist Fans templates to quilt it. love those Quiltazoid folks!!

The Quiltazoid makes quilting so much quicker and easier. if you don't know about their quilting really should check them out. Adam and Linda are so easy to work with and they are just so friendly. They will make templates for you if you submit a design. they made me a double cable. 
Here's a closer view.

Their Baptist Fan is the best i have seen. it flows beautifully

So, here it is less than 10 days into the month and i have both of JudyL's challenges done for the month. i am certainly going to keep up the mojo for the rest of the year. that is a pretty good feeling to see your UFO pile dwindling and your stash and selvage piles fading ever so slowly.  thank you, Judy, for the incentive and making it fun. I'm ready for April's challenges.

In the meantime, i will finish my baby quilt and wedding quilt that are due next month, quilt up a customer quilt or two and squeeze a couple of mine onto the frame, too.

Are you working with Judy and I to diminish your UFO pile? .... it's not too late to sign up and start.....i'll just be 3 ahead of you. LOL

1 comment:

  1. Wow - what a wonderful quilt. I really love embroidery and piecing together, but have never even thought about using the machine. I just may try it. Beautiful quilting. Judy C


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