Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What's on my design wall

JudyL over at Patchwork Times has a post on Monday called What's on Your Design Wall. Many people link up to show you what they are working on. usually i don't because my design wall might have many things on it or the same thing week after week.

But this week i have a contender. this is the top half of a king size wedding quilt. well, not even half since it will get borders after this. i sure hope i manage to piece it all together and get the blocks going in the proper direction.

It's a pattern called A Crooked Mile...a pattern from the website A Quilter's Dream out in California. the diagonal lines go 'round and round' the center.

The blocks are surprising easy to make. good thing....cause i need 20 more. i thought i had made enough....it seemed like hundreds already. i am setting them 12x13 but as i look at it on the wall....the middle curve of the design looks like it is not in the middle...although it actually is....it is like that in the pattern, too. but part of me wants to add another column on the right so it is visually centered.

What do you think? should it be visually centered? should i leave it alone already and piece it together?

I have to decide soon and get this pieced and quilted.


  1. I like it offset the way you have it. It seems to fit the rippled look. I like the little surprise pieces of brown in it too. Very nice.

  2. I really like this quilt. Cant wait to see it finished!

  3. I am far too anal ... I want that baby centered too. You do what YOU like. I love the design and the colors. And I agree with Marti about the brown "surprises".

  4. Oh gosh - if you start at it for a bit it gives you all sorts of different looks. Very Cool!


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