Friday, March 4, 2011

Brown Monochromatic Challenge for March

Color Brown Done....yea!!

I did more string blocks...12" square. browns included gold, beige, cream and any shade between. it came out 48x60 inches. good for kid size.

I used the same stripe fabric in the middle of each block and made as many blocks as i could. in fact, i ran out and the last block has a pieced middle stripe that is not all the same. i searched and searched and could not find enough to do it all. can you find the rogue block?

I chose to put them in a zigzag fashion this time....each row moving from left to right. i kind of like that.

As you can see....some of the pieces are wiggly....i don't try to go straight...just whatever happens. i am an adventuresome quilter. LOL

I made the back from my hand dyed fabrics. i have to use these more often...i have a tub full. i will try to use them on the backs of all the mono challenge quilts.

I THINK all of those on the back are dyed by me but there are commercial fabrics on the front. i used different shades for the connections, too.

My dh says he likes it but likes the back better than the front. how about you...which side do you like best? do you make string quilts? they go so fast. but it's like think you are using a LOT but you really aren't. i have enough strings to make a few dozen more.

Ready for the next color


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