Thursday, March 3, 2011

Living with no water at the Duck

When you LIVE in a house and don't have's a major concern.

When you are WORKING in a house and don't have's an inconvenience.

Washing hands isn't hard...there are wet wipes.

Having a working toilet is pretty darn inconvienent. of course, there is the gas station across the street....they have a bathroom outside and it's not locked. an ok option but kind of a yeck factor.  across the alley is the pizza hut...bathroom much nicer...but still, they might frown on you only coming in to use use their bathroom. plus, if you buy something to drink every time you come'll just have to come in MORE to use the bathroom. vicious circle.

If nothing husband is resourceful....sort of a redneck resourcefulness....but, still.....workable.

So, while i was at the thrift store last time....i came across this find for $2.49 .... score!

I requested hubby to make us a toilet for the Duck....he can build ANYTHING.  (i once brought home a set of folding doors and he built me a closet around them.)  so he added some wood to the bottom...

And scored a 5 gallon bucket from our supply of buckets in the barn. granted i would have picked a cleaner, nicer bucket.

And....TaDa!!....a portable toilet. LOL    not pretty, but functional in an emergency. and, see...the seat even has a LID. i think that is a 2 star ... at least.

My sister is not a fan of the bucket toilet but i am here to tell you that it works just fine. Just put a plastic garbage bag in the bucket and set the seat on top and you are in business. this bucket toilet will go out to the Duck when i go out there next.

When we were remodeling the house we currently live in we had occasion to have a bucket toilet for a couple weeks when we tore the bathroom out. this is what he made for us then.

It was just sitting out in a corner of a room....rather crude. i asked for something a bit more.....MORE. so he upgraded to this.

And we hung a sheet around the corner for privacy. LOL    if you ever come to visit us you might want to ask first what the bathroom facilities are like. hahahahahahahaha


  1. Shirley....Was that a his and hers?????

    I can see that you have now gone up in the world and expect a few modern conveniences!

    Best Wishes
    Kay in Scotland

  2. I'll keep that in mind! It sure makes cleaning the bathroom easy though!


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