Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mission Accomplished....and then some!

Today i had a 'free' day...nothing planned. hubby was gone so i was on my own. i decided to quilt up some more donation kid quilts. i had found another pile of them in the cabinet. i thought 6 was a managable goal. well, i exceeded expectations.....i did 8....woohoo!!   

I quilted 2 at a time so backings and thread were the same for 2 at a time. and i pieced a lot of batting...using up lots of that.....and pieced a couple of backs....using up more fabric. but now the binding pile is high again....and i just finished binding all those last ones. sigghhh!! 

I started at 8:30am and quit at 6pm. i took a small break for lunch and traveled across the road to the house twice to let the dog out. was nose to the grindstone. and i'm here to tell ya....i am back is sore and my feet hurt. i'm going to the house and sit in my recliner with my heating pad and do nothing for 30 minutes. then i'll watch Survivor. by 8 i should be ready for the second shift and piece some blocks i have at the house. wonder how many of those i'll get done tonight.

What do you do on your 'free' days? i might do something different on my next one.

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! I was doing computer work all day but got a little ahead so I can sew all day tomorrow!!!


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