Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Playing catch up and giving the washer a spa treatment

When you work on multiple projects at a time....there comes a time when a lot of them are almost finished so you have to have a spurt of productivity to catch up and finish them all.....so you can start new stuff. LOL

I've been sort of neglecting the Amish cross stitching lately (bad girl)...but, gosh, there are SOOO many things i want to do and there are only so many hours in a day. and i have been bad and sucked into computer games at night for a while....got to get off those. and i read 3 books and perused about a dozen rehab magazines. But as of last night...this is how far i have gotten. that little black blob in the middle is going to be a horse pulling that buggy.

In the last month or so i have quilted up a lot of panels that i have here and made them into donation kid quilts. sometimes i had 2 of a kind and could load them both together and quilt up 2 at a time. these are usually just done with a large meander or a Quiltazoid pattern. they were piling up in the 'to have binding' pile.....there were 9 of them.

So, over the last 3 days i have made a point of getting the binding on one of them first thing when i come to the studio and another the last thing before i leave for the day. wanna see?  I have 2 of these John Deere tractor quilts. quick Quiltazoid pattern and Wilma's fatbacks for backing. ignore those flying geese under there....that's just another quilt. i was just laying these over the ledge to photo.

A cute little animal train with a pale yellow backing.

The baby Disney kids...so cute. this one was quilted at the same time as the animal train...so they both have the same backing and pattern.

There's a wolf and owl panel....i guess that better be for little older kids....don't want to scare the little kiddies.  it has a striped back...which in its former life was a sheet.

And these beach birds was another case of being quilted at the same time as the wolf...same backing and pattern. if fact, i use this pattern a lot for kid donation quilts. sometimes it sits on my table for weeks at a time. when i have time between other quilts i can do up one or 2 of these in a couple hours.

Here is a beach scene with cute boats on the back. i will add fabric borders to make it the size i want it. the top and bottom of this is white with tiny sea shells. i try to get these about 45 x 60...  or somewhere in that neighborhood.

And i have 2 of these also....cartoon sports. i think some kids are gonna be lovin on these. should have shown the other one....the backing on it is of bright colored life savers....also a sheet in its former life.

I have several more panels pieced together and awaiting quilting and then we shall repeat this binding cycle all over again.

So between all this and some crazy quilt blocks and dying lace and trim....that is what's kept me busy for a few days. oh, and quilting up the wedding quilt....it is almost finished...should be done today.

And .... on the home front....yesterday my dh tells me that the washer is acting up. it is not draining properly and has issues. it's maybe 7 years old....one of those fancy-dancy front loaders that sort of tells you how it wants to wash your stuff. LOL

Our water here is hard and we are constantly running vinegar through the coffee pot and soaking the shower head. the toilet bowls continually have crud built up on them. just the other day, i was thinking of the washer and wondering when it would act up....i really need to STOP THINKING of appliances if that is going to make them misbehave. anyway, this morning we pulled the washer and dryer out from their cubbyhole and cleaned up years of dust and dirt back there. and dh took off the offending part that was clogged up and is out in search of a replacement part. hopefully the appliance store in town has the part or can order it promptly.

Now i am off to finish up that wedding quilt and get it off the frame and the binding put on it. and then make my to-do list for tomorrow.

What's on your to-do list?  do you even HAVE a to-do list?  i seem to work better with a list.

1 comment:

  1. Shirley you are the most productive woman I know. Love all the kids quilts, who do you donate them too. Love the Amish cross stitching. Hope you get your washer fixed. I have been doing things around our house, I'm off from work until Sunday. I wanted to be home some for Lynn's recovery fron the brain surgery so I have been sewing and doing some yard work. I hope to finish all that tomorrow and get all my curtains washed Thursday. Things I don't always have time to do.


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