Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I am home once again...trying for a bit of rest and relaxation from a few weeks of manual labor.

Josh spent 8 days at the farm.....doing odd jobs for us.....i took him back home on Friday and spent a couple days at the Duck. got the grass cut. josh pulled the wiring out of the house and took the furnace and water heater out of the basement. it took a couple of truck loads to get rid of all that stuff. he will sell all the scrap metal for a few bucks. i'm just glad it is all out of the house. I have a stack in the back alley of old plywood and boards and bags of trash from the basement. he says he will get rid of all that for me before i get back. i hope he does.

I am getting closer to the 'fixing it back up' stage. I have ordered 4 outside main doors and 6 windows. so, in about 2 weeks they should be here and i'll go back down and have them installed. it will be nice to have a window that opens all the way and actually stays open without putting a stick in there to hold it up. then i'll have 17 more windows to get. the plan for this year still is to get the wiring done and see if i can get the rest of the windows in.

Next year will be insulation.

I actually got out the shop vac and sucked up all the plaster dust and dirt all over everywhere. and i mopped the floors....all but the kitchen. it didn't make anything any prettier but i just got sick of looking at all the dust all over the floors.

In trying to help pick up stuff and load the truck i somehow caused a muscle to kink or something in my back/hip. so i am hobbling around a bit. yesterday when i got home about 2:30 i just took a shower and did a load of laundry and then parked myself in my recliner for the rest of the evening. watched a couple movies on tv and read for a while. hopefully today i can get something going at the studio.

I didn't take any pics at the Duck this time. i meant to get one of the empty basement but forgot. it was very hot the last couple of days and we only worked about 4 hours in the mornings. i'll be happy to see cooler weather come in.

We also got breakfast served again on Sunday morning. Josh's sister is my neighbor and she has invited us over twice now for a nice breakfast. this time we had French toast, bacon, sausage, biscuits and gravy. I have lovely neighbors.

Got to start movin' around and get things done.


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