Friday, July 22, 2011

A Week in the Life of Josh

You'll remember i told you that i brought Josh back to the farm with me from the Duck last week. he worked so hard on demolition it was time to see what he could do with construction. there were several year old jobs on jim's to-do list that i really wanted to see get done.

The first 2 1/2 days were spent on installing the kitchen ceiling.

Considering there were 2 males working on went remarkably well.....a few curse words thrown around.....but it got done.

I figured it was time for new lights, too. so, after looking at insulation for a few years, finally the ceiling is up. i just need to finish caulking and paint it. hopefully, that won't take several years, too. LOL

The next big project was filling in an open spot in the garage wall with concrete blocks. i have no idea why it was left open like that......the previous owners apparently had a plan that i wasn't privy to.

It would take 14 concrete blocks to fill the gap. of course, some of them had to be cut down to fit in the space.

They even got me involved. my job was to hold the hose and put the water in the wheelbarrow while the mortar was mixed. easy enough.

Supervisor Suzy was on the job, too.

It turned out well....i like it.

Josh is not one to sit around.....he likes to be busy. so in between all these construction jobs......he was out on the tractor mowing. there were probably 20 acres that was grown tall that had to be mowed. that man loves to mow.

Another little project was the bathroom floor of my studio.....i had put down some tiles.....oh, about 3 years or so ago. never got around to cutting the edge pieces and grouting it though, so, now, that project is finished, too.

Josh was giving me grief for using brown grout......but it is what i sense in buying more. the tiles are gray and 2 shades of white. it worked ok for me. after it was all done....even Josh had to admit 'it didn't look too bad'.

Of course, Jim was coming around....checking out progress. then he got the idea that Josh could also put the tile up in our shower.....another years old project that was never finished. but it only required cutting about 11 tiles.....a short project completed in a couple hours. it turned out great, too. we used different colored tiles to match the tiles in the floor.

Let's see...what else did we accomplish.  he mowed all the grass at the farm and at the studio. and spent some time most days on the tractor out in the pastures.

There's our fishing pond down at the bottom of the hill. Josh did some fishing, too and caught about 7 catfish....that are in the cooler for him to take home to enjoy.

I was thinking of what else he could do that i didn't want to do. so decided to have him paint the ceiling and floor in the plant porch. a couple of days got that project done, too.

Ceiling has a coat of primer and 2 coats of paint....thanks Josh.

Floor has a coat of primer and 1 coat of paint...i'll finish it next week when i get back home.

Here's my favorite picture of the week.

And the pastures look all pretty.

Today i am taking Josh back home......and i can catch up on my naps. LOL

I'm gonna miss that man.


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