Sunday, July 31, 2011


I'm trying to get back in the swing of things. i have spent the last 4 days mostly on my back....on the couch or in the bed. something in my back/hip area knotted up and made walking, sitting and generally doing anything impossible.

I've been through aspirin, ibuprophen, aleve, tylenol, icy hot, heating pad, and as a last husband's muscle relaxer medication from a few years ago.  yeah.....i know....don't take others medication......but trust me....that was my last resort. but i think that may have done the trick. i took 3 of them throughout the day yesterday and woke up this morning pain free. i have been walking around gingerly.....waiting for the pain to come back. but so good.

I went over to the studio this morning for about 3 hours and loaded a quilt top and quilted just a little. once my back felt tired i quit and went back home. i just got up from a 3 hour nap. it's hard to believe i can nap for that long since basically all i've done for 4 days is and on.

But i'm still feeling, i hope i am back to normal ...... or whatever is 'normal' for me. LOL   i'll still be taking it easy for a few days......but cross your fingers that all is well.

While taking it easy i managed to finish the Dear Jane blocks for row D and 6 blocks in row E. and 2 more border triangles.

Am now waiting to hear from Judy Laquidara as to the color for August's monochromatic challenge quilt. it will either be green or pink. my pink top is what i put on the frame this morning and started quilting. and the green top is on my piecing table....waiting for me to piece more blocks. so either way....i am ready. LOL

Gonna go work on a couple green blocks.
Stay cool


  1. Take it easy Shirley...there's always tomorrow!

    Best Wishes
    Kay in Scotland

  2. Sorry your back was out Shirley...take it slowly for a'll all still be there when you're better.

  3. Listen to the ole' body ~ and do what it tells you!


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