Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Judy's monochromatic color for August is Pink!  i have my pink top done already......a crazy quilt.  and i am halfway done quilting it.  so, i am ahead of the game for August. I'll show you a pic in a day or two when i have it finished.

I am managing to get to the studio for a few hours during the day. I'm trying hard not to mess up my back again. but now i am getting the urge to finish a couple jobs that need finishing.

My plant porch got painted when Josh was here working for us. but the floor only got one coat. So i have to put the second coat of paint on it and get the furniture back in there. the furniture that is parked all over the bedroom and living room now. and the books that are out of the bookcase and all over the floor. it is starting to bug me and i want it cleaned up. so maybe in a day or two i can put that second coat of paint on and be all done with that project.

I stayed up late last night...about 1:30.... finishing a book.... i had to know the ending.  so i slept in this morning till 9:45.  if you haven't read a book by JA Jance.....you need to. she is an incredible author....keeps you turning pages and wanting to know what happens next. she writes murder fiction. the part that i especially like is that the stories sort of continue from one book to the next. the town is the same....the same characters are all there....you know what is going on in their lives.....but in the midst of all this....there is a murder or 2 to be solved.  great reading.  i seem to have erratic hours these days. when i got up hubby was gone. no note....his truck is gone and the barn is closed. that usually means he went to town or somewhere. i'm trying to think.....did he tell me yesterday that he was going somewhere today?    can't remember anything.   so, i guess i'll get dressed and wander over to the studio and work on that pink quilt for a bit. he'll come back eventually.....probably with something he bought. LOL

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