Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pink Crazy Quilt

My monochromatic challenge for August is done. no, i didn't stay up 24 hours a day. i sort of cheated. i started this top a few months ago because i knew it would take a while to get it done and i would need more than 1 month. i'm glad pink wasn't called sooner. LOL   the way it was it took me 3 days to quilt it.

It is about 62" square. it is 9 patches in a giant 9 patch. is that 9 patch squared? i used some bright pink flannel for the back. So Fine thread in the bobbin and Glide on the top. love that Glide thread. i just sort of wiggled over the seams and did some curly Qs and swirls in larger places. all freehand....no rulers...just sort of scribbly.

I used selvages and strips and any fabric that i had that was pink....or even close to pink. 

There's a 3 dimensional rose in this next section....top right corner

I had a bunch of different lace, some rickrack, and some lacey pieces.....

....and i threw them all together in a glass jar and put hot pink dye over them and let them sit for an hour.

Some things came out almost red...and some things, like rickrack, barely turned pink at all. 

Blocks pieced all helter-skelter....no rhyme or reason. i even used a pink zipper in this next block. do you see it.......bottom left block.

This quilt is just meant to be a snuggle quilt for the couch. no fancy stitching.

It wound up being a bit heavy. i used muslin for a foundation for the crazy quilting. took 9 bobbins of thread just for this size.

Now i'm waiting to see which number is pulled for the UFO challenge for the month. most of those still need to be pieced.....so good thing i have the whole month left to do it.


  1. I am not a pink person, but I LOVE this! Great job! Sarah

  2. I haven't decided on what project i am going to do, I like the crazy quilt idea, I have a ton of pinks but am only doing a 20" block so I can put all my MC blocks in a top for the year.- cw

  3. You are amazing!! This turned out so nice! Hope you are feeling a whole lot better! love ya!

  4. Just fabulous! I'm filing away your idea to use for next year's UFOs. Well done!

  5. That is spectacular. What a beautiful quilt!

  6. Beautiful. And its not cheating - its resourceful!

  7. Excellent job on the pink challenge! I love the zipper idea and the jar of pink dye. So resourceful and creative.

  8. Beautiful quilt! I can see why you started early, lots of great detail in it. Congrats!

  9. If you don't have enough pink, make some. That is true quilterly spirit!


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