Saturday, August 6, 2011


Guess what i've been doing today.....for the last 3 HOURS......LOL.....

Going through all my boxes and boxes of selvages and cutting out all the little color windows.  i have a box full....and my fingers are tired of snipping.   next i think i have to iron them.

I have been wanting to make a word quilt and i saw the perfect idea on someone's blog the other day.

So, i am going to combine my selvages and my word quilt and come up with something i think will look cool. stay tuned for more.....soon. i was cutting the color windows.........i cut out names, too. have you ever noticed all the names that are in selvages?      i have ANOTHER idea for a quilt....using these names.   i have to refine the idea somewhat and then we shall see where it goes. but i have lots of names cut out.....the only drawback is that they are so tiny. but...hey...i can do it!!!   LOL

And why don't we just add one more project to the mix....just for fun. i have already made 20-something of these blocks with orange selvages.

I am using an 8 inch black and white print for the foundation....i'll trim them all up when i am done. i think i will make 42 blocks and set them 6x7. i think i have enough orange selvages for that.....if not....then plan B will come in effect. i think after i get them together i will embroider some black cats and bats and witches and things in the middle spaces.  to make it even more Halloweeny....(that is too a word).

So, now i am tired and guess i'll go back up to the house and see what Jim is up to. when i left him this morning he was working on brakes for the tractor. he might be taking a nap by now. i can use a nap, too.

We won't even talk about the fact that i turned ON the longarm when i got over here to the studio but never even quilted one single stitch. Doesn't matter there are customer quilts to do or my own quilt to finish that is on the frame......noooo.....i go and spend hours cutting out dots and names. 

I think i need serious mental help. hahahahahahahahahahaha   or at least a pill that makes me actually finish a project before starting 3 or 4 more.    or maybe a pill that doesn't let my brain think of any new projects until i am done with the old ones.    or...even better....just a clone or two so i can do EVERYTHING i want to do.   yeah....that's the answer. LOL


  1. Oh, I'm not worried. You will have everything completed by Friday!

  2. You have one of the three most creative quilting brains I've ever known. Believe me, if we could clone you, we would!

  3. I wish I could clone myself too! I can't wait to see what you do with the names and boxes. I've been saving salvages for awhile now, since you told me about your salvage creations. So maybe I can get some new ideas!! Like I even have time to do them!!


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